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The Art of the Follow-Up: What to Do After Your First Interview

February 17, 2023
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Congratulations on making it through your first interview! While the interview itself is an important step in the job search process, what you do after the interview can be just as critical. Here are some tips for following up with the employer after your first interview.

Send a Thank-You Note

Within 24 hours of your interview, send a brief thank-you email to the interviewer. Express your appreciation for their time and reiterating your interest in the position. This is also a good opportunity to mention any additional information or qualifications you may have forgotten to mention during the interview.

Be Patient

It can be tempting to follow up frequently to inquire about the status of your application, but it’s important to be patient. Most companies have a set timeline for making hiring decisions and following up too frequently can actually hurt your chances of getting the job. Wait a week or two after the interview before reaching out again.

Make Connections

If you met with multiple people during your interview, make sure to send a separate thank-you note to each person. This shows that you were paying attention during the interview and appreciate the time they took to speak with you.

Follow Up by Phone

If you haven’t heard back from the employer after a week or two, it’s acceptable to follow up by phone. Make sure to be polite and professional when you call, and avoid being pushy or demanding. Simply ask about the status of your application and express your continued interest in the position.

Be Prepared for a Rejection

While you’re waiting to hear back from the employer, it’s important to continue your job search and be prepared for the possibility of a rejection. Remember that rejection is a normal part of the job search process and don’t take it personally. Keep a positive attitude and focus on your next opportunity.

In conclusion, following up after your first interview is an important step in the job search process. By sending a thank-you note, being patient, making connections, and following up by phone, you can increase your chances of getting the job. Good luck!